The Working Smarter Newsletter V2.0
By Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
Issue 2 • March 5, 2018
Welcome to the second issue of the Working Smarter Newsletter, V2.0.
This week we start off with an interesting idea by James Schramko about the difference between effectiveness and productivity.
Next up: Last week's Dr. Mac's Rants & Raves column for The Mac Observer was all about the Reminders app and why I find it so useful on all my devices. If you forget stuff, you ought to read it. 😜
After that: A pair of Rants & Raves columns from late last year. Last fall I carried an iPhone X in one pocket and an iPhone 8 Plus in the other for months before sitting down to write my two-column real-world test of iPhone X vs. iPhone 8 Plus.
Spoiler alert: The excellence of the iPhone X camera (and the ability to send animated talking poop, unicorns, and more) made it a clear winner, at least for me.
Last, but definitely not least, reader David C. submitted a tip about one of his favorite utilities, KeyCue, which helps you remember keyboard shortcuts. Even though it's not my cup of soup, given my love of keyboard shortcuts, I'm surprised I had forgotten all about it.
Let's dig in!
Productivity vs. Efficiency
I recently began reading a fascinating book that a friend recommended: Work Less Make More, by James Schramko.
Since I love the concept of working less and making more, I'm about halfway through it already. But, a brief passage on page 1 of Chapter 1 caught my attention immediately.
As you know, I've been obsessed with productivity my whole life, and I became even more obsessed with it when I learned I have ADHD.
Here's how Schramko begins his discussion of how to work less:
You need to shift your thinking about doing less and feeling totally okay about it.
And, the best way to change your focus is to increase how effective you are.
Notice I didn't say 'how productive you are.'
He goes on to explain that being productive while doing the wrong things won't help you reach your goals; being productive at the right things is what he considers being effective.
If you've read Working Smarter for Mac Users or taken either course, you know that I agree wholeheartedly with this philosophy,
I'm just not sure about his semantics. I think of being productive as "working on the right things (i.e., Most Important Tasks) without procrastinating."
That sounds suspiciously similar to Schramko's concept of being effective.
In spite of our linguistic differences, I think Schramko and I agree more than we disagree when it comes to doing more work in less time.
My conclusion: One man's effective is another man's productive.
Visit James Schramko's Website...
Like an Elephant, Reminders Never Forgets
In last week's episode (Episode #267) of Dr. Mac's Rants & Raves at The Mac Observer, I discussed my love affair with the Reminders app.
Here's a taste:
I remember my father saying, "the older you get, the more you forget," when he forgot about something. He sometimes used a little calendar/notebook, but he often forgot to use it.
I’m no spring chicken. I’ve been doing what I do for the better part of three decades. I’m sad to say dad was probably right. As the years have passed, I’ve learned to use my Apple technology to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
Why Reminders Rocks…
There are several reasons the Reminders app on macOS, iOS, and watchOS is the near-perfect assistant to my ever more forgetful wetware. The biggest one is that it’s completely pervasive. Whenever I need to remember something, Reminders is a click (or tap) away, on my Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, one of which is always close at hand (especially the watch).
Read the complete column at The Mac Observer...
For Photos (and Videos): iPhone X or 8 Plus?
Late last year I wrote a pair of columns about my experiences toting an iPhone X in one pocket and an iPhone 8 Plus in the other for several months. If that's of interest, here's where to read both parts, which include a handy table of current iPhone models including sizes and weights in Part I and my thrilling conclusion in Part II.
For those who aren't inclined to click the links below, here's a picture from Part II that I think is worth at least 1,000 words:
iPhone 8 Plus (left) and iPhone X (right) at 16.66% (top) and 400% (bottom) magnification.
Read Part I of my iPhone X vs. iPhone 8 Column at The Mac Observer...
Read Part II of my iPhone X vs. iPhone 8 Column at The Mac Observer...
Spoiler alert: Not that I'm a Consumer Reports fan, but I was happy to see that its review came to the same conclusion as mine:
Read Final iPhone X Test Results:
Top-Scoring Camera and Display But Also Some Flaws at Consumer Reports...
A Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet on Demand: KeyCue
Reader David C. recently wrote me to recommend an app called KeyCue (19.99€), saying:
"KeyCue is a macOS app that reliably displays keyboard shortcuts for the currently used application by merely holding down the ⌘ key—one of the first apps I add to a new Mac."
Screen shot (from KeyCue website).
I still think my way—printing a cheat sheet with the shortcuts I'm trying to commit to memory and taping it to my display—is better. But opinions are like noses—everyone's got one. So, for those who prefer an "always available" keyboard shortcut cheat sheet, KeyCue is 19.99€.
Find out more at the KeyCue website…
Download my free Working Smarter for Mac Users Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet…
Such a Deal!
One more thing before this issue draws to a close...
I want to make you an even better offer this week. I thought last week's offer of 75% off was pretty good, but some of you still resisted. So I'm going to sweeten the pot one time, for one week.
As you may recall:
- The S.R.P. for the course is $499.
- The Grand Opening special price is $249 (50% off).
- Your special Insiders price was $124.75 (75% off).
Are you ready for the lowest price ever?
- Your extra special Insiders price until March 12 is just $99 (80% off)!
Just enroll by Monday, March 12 and use coupon code reader80 at checkout to pay just $99 and save 80%. This offer will NOT be repeated so if you want to get in before the price goes back up, enroll today!
Enroll for just $99! Use code reader80 at checkout by Monday, March 12, 2018, and save 80%!
And that's all I've got, but I'll be back before you know it… Stay tuned!
All the best,
Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
Creator of Working Smarter for Mac Users
P. S. There is actually one more thing. Since I want to help as many people as possible with my Working Smarter for Mac Users course, if you're unable to afford even $99, please reply to this message and request a partial or full scholarship.
By subscribing to this list you've demonstrated to me that you're interested and eager to learn about being more productive on your Mac. And, I want you to succeed more than anything. Even money.
So, if you really want to take the course, and you really can't afford $99, I want you to have it and will work something out for you if I can.
P. P. S. If you know someone who might enjoy and benefit from my occasional musings, here's a link you can share so they too will receive all the delightful freebies and useful tips and hints you enjoy as an Insider:
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