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Read Working Smarter for Mac Users,
the new eBook by Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus

My name is Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus. At age 30, I quit a job in advertising I'd grown to despise and became a writer. Everyone but my wife thought it would be a miracle if I succeeded. To their surprise, I had sold a few books (anyone remember Stupid Mac Tricks?) and was making a comfortable living as a writer by the mid-1990s.

But, while I seemed to be “making it,” making it was killing me. I seemed to work all the time, and while I never missed a deadline, I was tense and irritable, with the shortest of short tempers. 

My mission is to show you how to use your Mac
better, faster, and more elegantly.

How to banish procrastination forever.

And how to do more work in less time
so you have more time for things you love.
— Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus

Then, at age 40-something, I learned I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D.). It explained a lot, and made me realize I'd have to figure out ways to compensate for symptoms that included (but were not limited to): a laughably short attention span; difficulty focusing on a single task for more than a few moments; an inability to keep my ass in a chair (vital if you're going to be a writer); and a penchant for procrastination.

I read a lot about how to prosper in spite of A.D.H.D.; on personal productivity and time management; and on procrastination (and ways to avoid it). What I found was there is little advice out there for computer users (and even less for Mac users.) Time and again I found discussions of essential time management tools and techniques like to-do lists, calendars, and journals—things that are arguably better suited to a Mac than to pen and paper—were often dismissed with a throwaway paragraph or two (or not mentioned at all).

And that's why I felt I had to write Working Smarter for Mac Users. 

It Works

I spent the past 25 years figuring out how to do more work in less time so I'd have more time for things I love so you won't have to! With Working Smarter for Mac Users, you'll learn tips, techniques, and advice that's taken me over 25 years to develop.

With Working Smarter for Mac Users, you’ll become über-productive in weeks instead of the decades it took me!!! 
— Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus

I know this stuff works—these are the exact techniques I've used to crank out more than 80 books in 25 years  (macOS Sierra For Dummies, iPhone For Dummies, and iPad For Dummies to name a few); as well as weekly columns for The Houston Chronicle (Dr. Mac) and The Mac Observer (Dr. Mac's Rants & Raves) for the past two decades.

It works, and I guarantee it will work for you. 

The Joys of eBooks

This is the first book I've written that was conceived and designed as an eBook from the very start and I couldn't be happier. Yes, there will be a printed version available for those who insist. And soon. But, I can't recommend it when the eBook version is better in so many (at least three) important ways: 

Click to enlarge.

#1: Figures and illustrations are never too small.

In printed books I have no control over the size and placement of screen shots and illustrations. I’ve been told by countless readers that some illustrations are so small they’re illegible. In this eBook, I made sure every picture is large enough to be legible. And if you don’t think so, just click or tap to make the illustration zoom to a larger size. Let’s see a printed book do that!

(Click the image to enlarge it.)


#2: Video in addition to figures and illustrations. 

I made this for Working Smarter for Mac Users, my upcoming e-book. But I like you too much to make you wait months to see my 15 second masterpiece. So, if you want to learn how to batch rename files (for free), you've come to the right place!

I’m having a blast editing short videos of things that are easier to show than to tell. There aren’t that many, but I think you’re going to find a video is worth many thousands of words.

(Click the demo movie to play it.)


#3: It will never go out of date.

For the first time I will be able to update my book when necessary rather than waiting for the publisher to print another batch (or not). YAY!

(Don't click the goofy calendar animation. Nothing will happen, so why bother?) 

What Readers Say

Here are a few of the nice things readers have said about Working Smarter for Mac Users:

It’s no coincidence that the day after I read this book I started working on my next book.
I’ll finish my book because of Bob’s book!
— Guy Kawasaki Chief evangelist of Canva and Mercedes-Benz brand ambassador

I’m serious Bob, I don’t think I’ve read another book, other than The Bible or The Book of Mormon that will have a bigger impact on my life. Thank you so much for writing this book. I think it’s your best book ever and I’ve been reading your books since 1997 when I started being an Apple Consultant.
— Jeff D. Houston, TX

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus has a knack for making complicated topics easy to understand. I love his books and have purchased many. His writing is humorous, elegant, and straightforward, and his latest work, Working Smarter for Mac Users, may be his best. If you’d like to eliminate procrastination and get more work done in less time, this is the book for you!
— Maria A. Bala Cynwyd, PA 

An invaluable trove of Mac productivity tips well thought out and written in an easily approachable style. Any Mac user can benefit from reading Bob’s book. He’s done a great job of outlining steps you can take to improve your Mac productivity and organize your workload. Even if you only implement a few of his suggestions; your Mac productivity will improve.
— Rick A. San Diego, CA

I have been using a Mac since the 80s, but didn’t realize how much I didn’t know until I found a copy of Working Smarter for Mac Users. I discovered all the useful tips and tricks that could make my life so much easier.  Now I’m much more adept at using my Mac and far more efficient and effective.  I highly recommend Working Smarter for Mac Users; it will make you better at your job or play.
— Lou J. Malibu, CA

How Many eBooks Offer a Money Back Guarantee?

I don't know how many (or even IF any) eBooks come with a money back guarantee, but this one does. If you're not 100% satisfied with Working Smarter for Mac Users for any reason whatsoever, return it within 14 days for a full refund.* 

*The fine print: This offer applies to copies of Working Smarter for Mac Users purchased from this web site directly. Copies purchased from other resellers—iBook Store, Kindle/Amazon, Nook, and other online book sellers—are not eligible.

Sorry about that.

Let Me Help You Work Smarter

Learn to avoid falling down rabbit holes (cat movies on YouTube? eBay: Facebook? Whatever!

Here are just some of the issues Working Smarter for Mac Users can help you resolve:

  • If you're having trouble getting stuff done in a timely fashion, Working Smarter for Mac Users has dozens of tips and techniques guaranteed to help.
  • If you spend too much time "down the rabbit hole" (i.e. doing something other than what you're supposed to be doing)  watching cat videos or buying stuff you don't need on Amazon, you'll find myriad proven techniques for avoiding distraction in Working Smarter for Mac Users.
  • If something you do on your Mac takes you longer than you think it should, Working Smarter for Mac Users includes dozens of tips that will save you time every time you use your Mac.
  • If you always believed your computer was supposed to make things easier, but don't feel that's the case, Working Smarter for Mac Users can help.

Buy Now!

  • I guarantee Working Smarter for Mac Users will help you do more work in less time!
  • What have you got to lose?
  • Order your copy today!

Order Working Smarter for Mac Users direct from the publisher (me): 

Order your copy of Working Smarter for Mac Users directly from the publisher (that's me!) for $29.99 and you'll receive an email with links to download a copy in your favorite file format: .pdf, .epub, or .mobi.

You're free to download more than one (file format) if you care to, and only copies purchased from me have a money-back guarantee.