Welcome to my Online Store!


The eBook that started it all:

Working Smarter for Mac Users

I spent the past 25 years figuring out how to do more work in less time so I'd have more time for things I love so you won't have to! With Working Smarter for Mac Users, you'll learn tips, techniques, and advice that's taken me over 25 years to develop.

I know this stuff works—these are the exact techniques I've used to crank out nearly 90 books in 30 years  (macOS Catalina For Dummies, iPhone For Dummies, and iPad For  Dummies to name a few); as well as weekly columns for The Houston Chronicle (Dr. Mac) and The Mac Observer (Dr. Mac's Rants & Raves) for more than two decades.

It works for me; it works for others; and I guarantee it will work for you. 

My Signature Online Course:

Working Smarter for Mac Users: Master Class

If you want to learn to do more work in less time so you have more time for things you love, this course is for you. 

To learn how to speed up everything you do, as well as how to do more work in less time and have more time for things you love, click the Learn More button now. 


Coaching, consulting, and troubleshooting…

…by voice, video, screen sharing, (or all of the above).
Reasonably priced.

I've always loved working one-on-one with Apple users, but, until recently, I didn't have the time. Now that I do, I look forward to helping you maximize your productivity and resolve your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and other Apple-related issues.

Click here to request a free, no-obligation estimate!